Almost There!

In just a few easy steps you can initiate a Neighborhood Food Network on your street!

  1. Download the invitation flyer here.
  2. Go door to door, meet your neighbors and invite them!
  3. Download the first meeting outline here.
  4. Come to the national Monday night free coaching calls for the Neighborhood Food Network and continue to connect and meet with your neighbors locally. Monday night Zoom call links are emailed out every Monday.

When you sign up below, Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds will send you a free seed pack to give to your neighbors! Thank you, Baker Creek!*

Anne, our NFN coordinator will also send you a customized calling card so you can use it to get connected with your neighbors.

We will not share your address with anyone except for Baker Creek or without your permission.

Meet and greet your neighbors through the Neighborhood Food Network initiative today! Together we can create community, health, and preparedness!